Honorable Mentions
Overwatch Logo
Overwatch Logo
Overwatch is a team based first-person shooter, developed by Blizzard entertainment and released on May 24, 2016. Overwatch is one of the leading games for ESports, and rightfully so. This game has a massive arsenal of over 30 different classes, each with their own abilities. The reason this is on my honorable mentions list is because the game can be unbalanced. Some classes are just outright better than other classes. Another reason is the amount of characters. I know I just mentioned the 30+ classes, which some people find positive, but I do not. The game is currently in a state comparable to advanced rock, paper, scissors. What I mean by this is that if someone picks a class on the enemy team, you can pick a class that directly out-powers that class. For that reason, I prefer Team Fortress 2 which is more simple, and in my opinion, more fun.
Black Ops 4 Logo
Black Ops 4 Logo
Black Ops 4 is a team based first-person shooter. This game has very fast paced movement and high damage weapons. It also has different abilities for certain characters, such as a grappling hook which adds even more fast movement. This adds up to a very chaotic, yet very enjoyable game. The reason for me putting this on my honorable mentions list is because the game gets stale after a bit. I find this game is fun if you want to sit down for 10-20 minutes, but after that it becomes a bit repetitive. Also, this game feels very similar to other games; it is just a very "normal" game format. I dont have much else to say, but I wanted to give this game some credit because it is fun at times.